
Empowering Resilience

Designing and planning for the health and resilience of Marin City


Building a Resilient Community


Education and Service

We are community members, leaders, and educators working towards Marin City’s resilience in the face of climate change and natural disasters through planning, training, and volunteer efforts. Join us and make a difference in our community!

Training and Certification


Watershed Steward Training

Through the Watershed Management Certification Program participants receive training in permaculture design techniques and ecosystem preservation.

Trainees Receive:

  1. Eight month training plus a stipend

  2. Hands on and experiential activities in watershed design and buildout

  3. Permaculture Design Certificate from the Urban Permaculture Institute (www.upisf.com)

Our Approach


Support Food Security

We will work to support 30 Families/Individuals to have more reliable access to fresh fruits/vegetables to promote community self sufficiency.


Creating Jobs

Through our program 5-10 skilled jobs will be created for implementing community resilience and community self-sufficiency projects by the end of 2021


Establish Partnerships

We work to continuously establish partnerships for developing community resilience and community-sufficiency projects .


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